Nepal’s PM says earthquake death toll could reach 10,000

The death toll in Nepal’s earthquake could reach 10,000, Prime…

Will Haiti’s Hell Come to Nepal After Earthquake?

The earthquake that killed more than 5,000 people has set the…

In ravaged hamlets, lives were spared

The Nepal Mountaineering Association has increased to 19 the…

UN chief praises pope for framing climate change as moral imperative, says encyclical

 The U.N. chief has praised Pope Francis for framing climate…

Vatican and U.N. team up on climate change against skeptics

The Vatican and the United Nations teamed up to warn the world…

Overwhelmed or Overcoming?

Obama's Executive Action Mass Surveillance Tactics Amid Patriot…

Shapiro noncommittal on US veto of UN draft forcing Israeli withdrawal to ’67 lines

The United States ambassador to Israel refused Wednesday to commit…

‘We’re closer than ever to an Iran nuclear deal’

The six-world powers are closer than ever to a deal with Tehran…

Idaho city’s ordinance tells pastors to marry gays or go to jail

Coeur d‘Alene, Idaho, city officials have laid down the law…

Regional war more likely as Arab armies go on attack

The period of proxy wars and dependency on Western military leadership…

Obama Warns of Anti-Globalization Sentiment in Both Parties

President Barack Obama said the rising anti-globalization sentiment…

100,000 people displaced by fighting as Isis regains ground from Iraqi army in Anbar province

It was supposed to be the month when the Iraqi government began…