A Genocide of Christians is Underway – and the West Sleeps

Every year, more than 100,000 Christians are murdered just because…

The US can’t protect anyone from ISIS

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned Sunday that the United…

New Israeli government harms foreign relations

Referring to Barack Obama's interview with the Atlantic in which…

Delivery of Russian S-300 missiles to Iran ‘to be done at the soonest opportunity possible’

Talks between Russia and Iran over the sale of sophisticated…

Former UK army chief: Send 5,000 ground troops to fight ISIS

Former head of the British army, Lord Dannatt, said Sunday that…

Iraq launches operation to drive Islamic State from Anbar

Iraq on Tuesday announced the launch of a major military operation…

Exclusive: ISIS columns heading from Syria toward Jordan, first targeting the border crossing

The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant – ISIS – was on…

John Cantlie claims ‘infinitely’ greater threat of nuclear attack on US

The chances of Islamic State jihadists smuggling a nuclear weapon…

US and Hizballah coordinate spy drone flights over Qalamoun, share US combat intelligence

Another strange pair of bedfellows has turned up in one of the…

Isis claims it could buy its first nuclear weapon from Pakistan within a year

Isis has used the latest issue of its propaganda magazine Dabiq…

Israel ex-PM Ehud Olmert given prison sentence

Olmert served as prime minister from 2006 to 2009. He was forced…

Assad Starts Heavy Bombing of Ancient Palmyra

He said there were reports of casualties but he had no firm toll.   The…