New U.S. LGBTI Envoy Seeking Global LGBTI Rights

Randy Berry, the State Department’s first envoy for lesbian,…

The Two Witnesses


Where will the Two Witnesses Come From?

By Irvin Baxter

QuestionTerry from Texas called to ask Irvin: Do you know where the two witnesses are going to come from?

Assad pulls air force out of Deir ez-Zour, the third Syrian air base surrendered to ISIS

Just a week after losing the big Palmyra air base to the Islamic…

Obama ordered CIA to train ISIS jihadists

The non-profit, non-partisan Judicial Watch -- a group known…

US-China tensions rise over Beijing’s ‘Great Wall of Sand’

Every year the Shangri-La Dialogue, organised by the International…

U.S. takes Cuba off list of state sponsors of terrorism

The United States has taken Cuba off the list of state sponsors…

Israel Is ‘Root Cause’ of All Islamic Nations’ Failures

Radical Iranian cleric Mohsen Araki said that destroying Israel…

Secret Meeting in London to “End Cash” in America and Europe

Armstrong revealed that representatives from the Federal Reserve,…

Nebraska abolishes death penalty after veto-override

The measure was backed by a coalition of conservatives who oppose…

Immigration Overhaul May Be in Limbo Until Late in Obama’s Term

President Obama’s overhaul of the nation’s immigration system,…

Arizona border town ‘like a war zone all the time,’ protesting residents say

“We stop everything here: drugs, smuggling,” Padilla said,…

IRS believes cyberattack originated in Russia, sources say

The IRS believes that criminals behind a major security breach…