New Livni Flip-Flop? ‘I’m Hezog’s Full Partner’

Did she or didn’t she? On Sunday, Tzipi Livni told reporters that her rotation deal – in which she would become Prime Minister in two years, after Yitzhak Herzog had a “turn,” assuming Zionist Union/Labor formed the government, was definitely on. On Monday, she announced that she was giving up the rotation idea, in order to improve the party’s chances at the polls.


But on Tuesday, Livni appeared to flip-flop yet again. Speaking in an interview on Channel Two, Livni said that “Herzog and I have an understanding that we will both be governing the country. The rotation is part of our partnership.”


When asked about her declaration Monday, in which she said she was giving up the idea for the good of the party, Livni said that her stance had remained unchanged throughout the campaign. “What I said Monday wasn’t such a revelation, I have been saying these things all along,” she said.


Read More: New Livni Flip-Flop? ‘I’m Hezog’s Full Partner’ – Inside Israel – News – Arutz Sheva