Islamic Terrorists Indirectly ‘Helped Form’ Iraq’s New Government

“Consequently, they each concluded they were better off if they’re in this together,” Biden said.


Biden’s remarks, billed as a major foreign policy speech when the vice president was introduced, took place ahead of a U.S. visit by of the new president of Iraq, Fuad Masum.


Biden said the U.S. has helped Iraq fight the terrorists through intelligence and other means but that the key to defeating them is having a strong central government.


“We knew, though, that the first order of business was to make sure that Iraq had a functioning inclusive government,” Biden said. “From all the years I spent in dealing with Iraqi public officials and the Iraqi government we knew for certain without a united Iraqi government there was no possibility – none – of defeating ISIL.”


Read More: Biden: Islamic Terrorists Indirectly ‘Helped Form’ Iraq’s New Government | CNS News