Historian David Barton Takes Apart Obama’s Claim That ‘Islam Has Been Woven…

Barton added that there were a number of Muslims whose activities were recorded in the 1800′s, but it might be a stretch to say they are part of the “fabric of the country.” One such Muslim helped the American military raise camels, he said.


“In 1856 the American military is engaged in all sorts of Indian wars in western lands,” Barton explained. “The secretary of war at that time was Jefferson Davis. Five years later, he would become part of the secession and the president of the Confederacy. But at that time, he’s secretary of war. What they did was they hired a Muslim to raise camels in Arizona because the cavalry said, ‘You know, instead of using horses across the desert, let’s try these camels.’”


“It was a short-lived experiment, but I have to credit their technology,” Barton added. “If you’re going to be in the desert chasing folks, why not use the animals that will go for several days, rather than several hours? But they were just so slow, they couldn’t keep up with the Indians.”


Read More: Historian David Barton Takes Apart Obama’s Claim That ‘Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding’ | Video | TheBlaze.com