What’s Your Hurry?

Not enough time in the day? The days may be shortened, but can't…

US Representative in Rome to Push for ‘Global Covenant of World Religions’

Rome provides a “neutral brokerage” where religious leaders…

5 Places Where World War Three Could Break Out

It seems these days the world is literally on fire. Conflict…

In Five Years Half The World Will Have National eID Cards

Acuity Market Intelligence has released a new report titled “The…

Top 10 Implantable Wearables Soon To Be In Your Body

Wearables. A growing trend with very soon to have their “moment…

Jordan: ‘Settlement’ Construction Endangers Peace

Jordan's ambassador to Israel, Walid Obeidat, warned on Sunday…

At Knesset Reconvenes, PM Draws Israel’s Red Lines

The Palestinian Arabs have been demanding a state, Prime Minister…

Can Israel Still Count on America at UN Security Council?

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has been loudly threatening…

Ex-U.N. inspector: Iran ‘within months’ of nuke

If Iran abrogates international agreements that seek to restrict…

US Having Its Coolest Year On Record

The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the…