Will the Two Witnesses Be Enoch and Elijah?

Will the Two Witnesses Be Enoch and Elijah? By Irvin Baxter   QUESTION: Jeff…

Who are the Elect?

Who Are the Elect? By Irvin Baxter   QUESTION: Norah from…


Jim from Indiana asked, In Leviticus 19:28, it says that you shall not put any cuttings on your flesh for the dead, or any mark upon you. My daughter just got a tattoo, how does this scripture affect her?

Framework Agreement

Anthony from Texas asked, What do we know about this yearlong extension that is now being discussed?

The Red Heifer

John from Missouri asked, Is there any information out there concerning the Red Heifer?

Investing in Political Change

Shawna from Washington asked, Is it futile to pursue political change in the light of knowing the truth and what’s ahead? Since we know that things are not going to get better, but will rather get worse, then what should we do? Do we keep voting and pursuing the change we want to see?

Should I work for a homosexual?

concerning the bakery in Denver that was ordered to make a cake for the gay couple; my wife and I have a screen-printing and t-shirt business, and one of our clients is a gay and lesbian organization.

Saved by Works?

The Bible says that if I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead, I will be saved. And it also says that we are saved by grace through faith, not works.

The Peace Agreement

Katherine from Georgia asked about the ‘interim treaty’ and ‘peace treaty’. Are we talking about two different treaties? And how will an interim treaty be possible when the Palestinians say that they want all or nothing?

When is the Sabbath day?

With so many different standpoints given by different churches, what day should we actually say is the Sabbath?

Sixth Trumpet War and the Peace Treaty

Rodrigo from Texas wants to know if the Sixth Trumpet War will take place before or after the peace treaty.

Middle East Peace Agreement

Chris from Georgia wants to know if the peace negotiations that John Kerry is working on will be a seven-year deal.