Peter and Paul

Similarities Between Peter and Paul in the Bible

By Jason Talley


When looking at scripture, specifically the New Testament, I don’t think we can find any better examples of which we should pattern our lives after than that of Peter and Paul. These two men differ in major ways yet their similarities are astounding. Every believer can, in some way, identify with one of these followers of Jesus, or possibly both. In order to help Christians connect with either of these disciples, it is important to understand the similarities and differences of these two mighty men of God. Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother introduced him to Jesus; yet amazingly, Jesus knew Peter before they were even introduced. Peter became an immediate follower of Christ after his encounter with Jesus. We find from the very beginning that Peter was one of the closest disciples to Jesus. Peter answered Jesus’ questions, and he asked a lot of them too. On one occasion Jesus asked His twelve disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter was the one who gave the response the Lord was looking for when he answered, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” It was upon this truth the Lord said He would build the church (Matthew 16:13-20). Peter was not perfect though; he actually made tons of mistakes. Peter was the one who told Jesus that he would never let him die, and Jesus called him Satan for it. Also he was the one who cut off the ear of the soldier that was arresting Jesus.  Lastly, Peter denied the Lord when asked if he knew Him at the trial prior to Jesus’ crucifixion. The one thing about Peter that made him different than all the rest was that he got back up and continued on. As a result, Peter was the one to preach the first message to the church in Acts chapter two.


Paul, on the other hand, was a very different story. Paul, who is also called Saul, was from Tarsus. He was very well educated and a devout Jew (Acts 22:3). Paul was actually so devout; he truly believed by killing Christians he was doing God’s work. In fact, he was on his way to Damascus to kill more followers of Jesus when God blinded him on the street and told him he was in the wrong (Acts 22:7-8). This led to Paul’s life-changing moment, and resulted in Paul preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere. Even though Paul never physically followed Jesus while he was here on earth, He ended up writing more books of the Bible than anyone else.


Peter and Paul seem like two complete opposites at face value; one was the closest to Jesus, the other killed people who believed in Jesus. Peter started the apostolic church among the Gentiles and Paul took it to the majority of the Jews. If it were not for Peter and Paul, the apostolic church would not be what it is today. So, if as a present-day believer you were raised in church, Peter, or came in from the world, Paul; God shows us through these two extraordinary men that He can take anyone and use them to turn their world upside down.  Regardless of your past, you can still be used of God to change your community and ultimately your world.