
National sovereignty is so yesterday

MAPS OF the world are deceptive. By showing neat borders, they…

No to a UN-imposed settlement

In agency after agency at the United Nations, Israel is a pariah,…

UN Envoy: UNSC can Force ‘Peace Framework’

The outgoing UN Middle East envoy said in his last report Thursday…

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay

ter years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians…
United Nations logo

Ban says UN-EU strategic partnership key as world faces multiple crises

The development of a strong partnership between the United Nations…

The State of Global Governance: A Conversation with Joseph Nye

Last month, at the International Studies Association 2015 Annual…

PA to Submit First ICC Charge on April Fools

The Palestinian Authority (PA) will submit its first "war crimes" complaint…

Unshackle the United Nations

Glance at any newsstand or catch any rolling news channel, and…

Indyk: Get ready for UNSC resolution proposed not by Palestinians, but int’l community

Indyk, who was the US special envoy to last year's failed Israeli-Palestinian…

Scientists seek international authority on climate geoengineering

San José (United States) (AFP) - US scientists and legal experts…