Tillerson: ‘We Have Seen Anything But a Peaceful, Stable Region’ Since the Iran Deal

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Wednesday that since the Iran deal was confirmed, “we have seen anything but a peaceful, stable region” and that’s the “real issue” with the agreement.“And that’s why we talk about Iran defaulting on these expectations, because those expectations clearly have not been met,” said Tillerson told reporters during a press conference in New York City. He said that since the deal, Iran has “continued to prop up” the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad “and its horrible way in which it has brought violence to its own people.”“They have continued to engage in malicious cyber activity. They have aggressively developed and tested ballistic missiles in defiance of UN Security Council Resolution 2231, thereby threatening the security of the United States and the stability of the region. They’ve provided weapons and training forces to deploy to create instability throughout the region in Yemen, in Syria, and in Iraq,” Tillerson said.“And I think we even see them carrying out provocative operations in the Gulf itself against our naval and coalition vessels as they try to peacefully transit the Gulf, threatening the very freedom of navigation through this very important waterway,” he said.


Source: Tillerson: ‘We Have Seen Anything But a Peaceful, Stable Region’ Since the Iran Deal

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