The truth about ‘oppressed’ Palestinians

But human-rights activist, documentary filmmaker and New York Times bestselling author Joel Richardson charges many people have fallen victim to a false narrative about “oppressed” Palestinians and actually have become part of the propaganda on the issue.


The BDS movement wants economic penalties against the Jewish state, boasting the campaign could cost Israel as much as $1.4 billion a year. It casts Israel as an oppressor of civil and human rights and charges that the exclusion of Israel from the world’s economy is just desserts for its alleged actions.


On the other side, some pro-Israel activists charge the campaign against “Zionism” has moved far beyond a political opposition into a hate campaign against Jews, with swastikas and calls to violence appearing at some campuses, especially in California.


Richardson explains the reality, “In some circles of evangelical culture, it is fashionable to espouse the Palestinian narrative, which casts Israel in the most grotesque caricature, essentially as an illegal, apartheid, juggernaut nation that exists only to run roughshod over the poor, oppressed, Palestinian victims.


Read More: The truth about ‘oppressed’ Palestinians