Sweden to send war pamphlet to 4.8 million households

It’s hard to predict when war will break out, but Sweden wants to make sure that it’s populace is always prepared for the worst.The Swedish government is reissuing an instructional war pamphlet to all 4.8 million households in the country, informing them for the first time in more than 30 years on the perils of war.The brochure, titled “Om krisen eller kriget kommer (If crisis or war comes),” was compiled by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) and instructs civilians on what to do if “their everyday life was turned upside down.”The brochure provides information on everything from how to identify fake news and prepare against extreme weather conditions to what to do in the event of terror attacks and military conflicts.


Source: Sweden to send war pamphlet to 4.8 million households – CNN

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