Punish the Thought: Do Climate-change Skeptics Belong in Jail?

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have left more in their wake than destruction of property and devastation of lives. In the wreckage of the two storms, you can also see little pieces of the Constitution of the United States, torn up by global-warming hysterics, who now wish to criminalize what they call “climate-change denial.”In the aftermath of the two major hurricanes, the left-wing magazine The Nation published an article written by Mark Hertsgaard on September 7, linking climate-change skepticism with actual murder. In his piece, entitled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” Hertsgaard writes that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”Lest you think that Hertsgaard is simply one lone lunatic in a sea of rational journalists and scientists, there are dozens of others who are calling for the jailing of public officials who, in their words, “deny science” and work against the sweeping socialist reforms demanded by climate alarmists.


Source: Punish the Thought: Do Climate-change Skeptics Belong in Jail?

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