Pastor Sues After Being Fined for Church Services

Pastor Sues After Being Fined for Church Services

On Pentecost Sunday in California, Pastor Mike McClure joined thousands of other churches defying Governor Gavin Newsom’s COVID-19 shutdown orders. The Californian pastor has racked up some $220,000 in fines up to this point due to the governor’s mandates. The New American reported:

When Pastor Mike McClure of San Jose’s Calvary Chapel agreed to open his church on Pentecost Sunday (May 31), he joined with more than 3,000 other churches defying California Governor Gavin Newsom’s shutdown orders. He said, “We’re called to be together. Man doesn’t have the right to close the doors. God doesn’t want us to isolate ourselves. All of us need to be in the sanctuary.”

And then he added a warning to Newsom: “I don’t care what they say. I’m never again going to close the doors, ever.”


Pastor Sues After Being Fined for Church Services