Obama’s farewell: Jews ‘at the forefront of every fight for freedom’

Marking his final holiday season at the White House on Wednesday, hosting his last Hanukkah reception for America’s Jewish leadership, US President Barack Obama pulled at the community’s heartstrings by reminding them of their historic fight for liberal democratic ideals.

The president is engaged in a long series of “lasts” just one month before the inauguration of his successor, Donald Trump. This may have been his last significant engagement with the Jewish community at home, capping eight years of festive parties held throughout the White House mansion.

Yarmulkes capped snowmen in the cross hall, and once again, latkes, sushi and lamb chops were served as the Marine Chamber Orchestra played folk songs. Members of Congress, Supreme Court justices and loyal Democratic operatives were in attendance— some of whom openly waxed of their party’s past years in power, wondering if they ever again would get to celebrate in the East Room.


Read More: Obama’s farewell: Jews ‘at the forefront of every fight for freedom’ – Diaspora – Jerusalem Post