New study finds a greater church acceptance of gays and lesbians

A new survey of American religious congregations conducted by researchers from Duke University and the University of Chicago finds that, in recent years, more churches have become welcoming to openly gay and lesbian couples. These findings parallel broader trends showing greater acceptance among the general public of both homosexuality and same-sex marriage during roughly the same period.


The report, “Changing American Congregations,” is part of the ongoing National Congregations Study (NCS). The Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project contributed funding to the study, which involved interviews with a clergyperson or other key member of each of the 1331 congregations surveyed.


The survey found that between 2006 and 2012, the share of congregations allowing an openly gay or lesbian couple to become full-fledged members grew from 37% to 48%. In addition, the number of congregations that allowed openly gay and lesbian members to assume any lay leadership position also increased – from 18% in 2006 to 26% in 2012.


Read More: New study finds a greater church acceptance of gays and lesbians | Pew Research Center.

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