‘Never Has a Country Been Transformed Like This, Never in World History’

COULTER: Right. Not only that, there would be a change to the legal immigration. That was the point I was making with you on radio today. This is so much bigger than — other in the first chapter, my book is about legal immigration. The Somalis leaving to fight with ISIS, those are legal immigrants. The Hmong immigrants raping little girls, those are legal immigrants. The immigrants going on welfare at rates far above the native rate, committing crimes at what appears to be far above the native rate — the government won’t tell us. Never has a country been transformed like this, never in world history.


And it is being done as an express plan by the left because they want voters more favorable to liberal policies. It’s striking how all of the most avid immigration activists, and there are hundreds, probably thousands of groups just working overtime to bring in the poorest of the poor to live in America. There are always the people who don’t particularly like America. They call us racists, sexists, homophobic. Why are they bringing these poor third-worlders here? It’s because they want to transform America, because they hate America. And Republicans aren’t stopping them because the big donors want the cheap labor.


HANNITY: In other words, corporate America. All right, but this is really important, that we have no scrutiny of the people we allow into this country. And that is as big a problem as the southern border where somebody wants a job and ISIS has the ability to walk across at will.


Read More: Coulter on US Immigration Policy: ‘Never Has a Country Been Transformed Like This, Never in World History’ – Breitbart

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