Louisiana Re-brands Common Core in Attempt to Dupe Citizens

State officials in Louisiana tried to deceive citizens last week by approving what amounts to, essentially, a glorified name change for the deeply unpopular Common Core education standards pushed by the Obama administration. Basically, policymakers re-branded the scheme as “Louisiana Standards,” while pretending that there had been some “revisions” to the widely loathed education-nationalization effort. However, according to experts and activists involved in the process, the politically toxic national education standards imposed on state governments with federal funding and pressure remain almost entirely intact in Louisiana, despite the new name. Similar scams by government officials have taken place in states across the country.


The re-branded Common Core standards were approved by lawmakers last week, following years of raging controversy across the state. Despite a handful of dissenters, both the state house and state senate education committees approved the “new” standards, with some analysts saying the lawmakers were misled to believe that a vote against the fraudulent “re-branding” was a vote in favor of what critics call “ObamaCore.” The state’s education board also approved the re-branding. “There was a lot of time and a lot of hard work that was put into adjusting these standards, perfecting these standards and truly making them Louisiana standards,” claimed Jim Garvey, chief of the federally funded Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) that helped impose Common Core on the state in the first place. Some 9,000 hours were allegedly put into the re-branding effort.


Read More: Louisiana Re-brands Common Core in Attempt to Dupe Citizens