Iranian Cleric: U.S. Is Weak Against Revolutionary Guard

Days away from implementation day of the nuclear deal with Iran, Friday prayers in Mashhad took direct aim at the United States by using the recent hostage situation in the Persian Gulf as a propaganda tool to suggest the U.S. is weak and powerless against Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).


During his sermon, hardline Iranian cleric Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Alamolhoda said that for the last 37 years, the U.S. has been like a “barking dog” lacking the strength to enter their nation. Using the recent incident in the Persian Gulf, near Farsi Island, where the IRGC’s Navy took 10 American sailors hostage, he said the captives were so frightened and intimidated by the faces of the IRGC Naval forces that their hands “involuntarily went over their heads” in a show of surrender as their boats were approached by the Iranian militants. The sermon was reported on by the state-run Fars News Agency.


Read More: Iranian Cleric: U.S. Is Weak Against Revolutionary Guard