House Conservative Opportunity Society: SCOTUS Marriage Ruling Is About Tyranny, Not Equality

Whether or not you believe in traditional marriage is now beside the point. Simply put, your voice no longer matters since five unelected judges did what they felt the American people were too inept to decide democratically for themselves. In its decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court created a new right in same-sex marriage and in the process denied the American people the ability of self-governance. The freedom of the People to govern themselves is a principle this country was founded upon; a principle eloquently stated in many of our founding documents like the Declaration of Independence. But now, freedom is no longer guaranteed and our system of government as intended by the Founding Fathers has been fundamentally damaged.When the topic of same-sex marriage became part of the national debate, the people of thirty states voted, through legislation and elections, to keep marriage between a man and a woman.Over the ensuing years various federal courts chipped away at that democratic process and silenced those voices. As a last resort, Americans looked to the Supreme Court this year to validate them in their Constitutional belief that they can decide for themselves if marriage stays between a man and a woman. Instead they were served up a ruling that subverted the democratic process and marginalized anyone who is an advocate for traditional marriage.The Court’s opinion compares those who hold traditional marriage views with those who denied African-Americans and women equal treatment. So it should come as no surprise when the people who hold traditional beliefs are eventually vilified.


Read More: House Conservative Opportunity Society: SCOTUS Marriage Ruling Is About Tyranny, Not Equality – Breitbart