German-Franco initiative in EU to revive as German coalition talks make breakthrough

The German-Franco Initiative will return and push European integration to go further as German coalition talks have achieved breakthrough, according to Prof. Frank Baasner, director of the Deutsch-Franzoesisches Institut (DFI).The exploratory talks for government coalition between Angela Merkel’s Conservatives Union and Martin Schulz-led Social Democratic Party (SPD) on Friday made breakthrough on Friday.According to the 28-page policy document reached by the parties, European policies were given priority, and the two parties vowed to strengthen European integration through closer cooperation with France, in a bid to help European Union withstand global challenges.”I am glad to see that the two parties’ response to French President Macron is very astonishing, especially the stronger European common budget and Germany’s affirmation to make more contributions to EU budget,” Baasner told Xinhua in an interview.The document is the first time that Germany responded to Macron’s ambitions in reforming EU, saying that “The renewal of the EU will only succeed if Germany and France work together with all their strength. That is why we want to further strengthen and renew German-French cooperation.”


Source: German-Franco initiative in EU to revive as German coalition talks make breakthrough: expert – Xinhua |