Et Tu, Pontifex? Pope Francis Leaps Aboard ‘Global Warming’ Bandwagon

This is the sort of hackneyed language and extremely dubious science you might expect from a 16-year old trotting out the formulaic bilge and accepted faux-wisdom required these days to pass a fairly typical exam paper in Geography or Environmental Sciences.


But what it most definitely isn’t the kind of thing you’d want or hope to read from the spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, whose word is supposedly infalliable and who holds an office that dates back two thousand years.


First – despite the Pope’s much-vaunted masters degree in Chemistry – it’s wrong scientifically.


There is no evidence that sea-levels are rising at an abnormal rate; ocean acidification is a busted flush; catastrophic man-made global warming remains, at best, an unproven and increasingly shaky theory.


Read More: Et Tu, Pontifex? Pope Francis Leaps Aboard ‘Global Warming’ Bandwagon – Breitbart

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