CNN and liberal professor push for outright gun ban and mass confiscation “once and for all”

In yet another example of the real liberal gun control agenda, a recently published CNN op-ed has called for “getting rid of guns in this country, once and for all,” by making it a felony to posses any handgun or “assault” rifle.




This latest direct attack on the 2nd Amendment in the mainstream media comes from liberal poet and Middlebury College professor Jay Parini who makes it crystal clear that many on the left aren’t simply pushing for “common sense” reform but rather directly going after all firearm ownership in America.


Using Donald Trump as the starting point, Parini attacks the billionaire Republican presidential candidate for daring to suggest that certain people in schools should be armed in order to help prevent another mass shooting.


The insanity that Donald Trump embodies in his unique dash for the White House became all-too-obvious this past weekend when he suggested that teachers at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, should have been armed and waiting. He complained that this college was “a gun-free zone.” At a campaign stop in Tennessee, he added: “Let me tell you, if you had a couple teachers with guns in that room, you would have been a hell of a lot better off.”


We can hope this his shoot-from-the-lip nonsense will accomplish two things: Put a stop to this man’s political pretensions and, more importantly, draw attention to the madness of guns in this country.


Like a good liberal Parini wants to force the entire country to rely on government forces to protect them because of course that is only “common sense.”


The article continues on ranting about how bad Trump is and how awful American gun ownership has always been while also getting in a couple of jabs at the Supreme Court because a liberal college professor definitely knows more about the Constitution and what is good for the country than the nations highest court.


Eventually Parini gets to the crux of his and the many who share his views on the lefts agenda which is the confiscation of millions of legally owned firearms under the threat of government attack and subsequent outlawing of all handguns and rifles.


Let me dream for a moment: I would much prefer to live in a country where only hunters who pass appropriately strict tests for mental competence and a knowledge of gun safety can still acquire rifles that are appropriate for hunting. Handguns and assault rifles would be banned, period.


Read More: CNN and liberal professor push for outright gun ban and mass confiscation “once and for all” – Intellihub