Global Poverty Act: Shakedown of American taxpayers in a massive wealth redistribution scheme

by Tom DeWeese


President Barack Obama helped to introduce a dangerous bill, and it’s on the fast track to Senate passage. Obama did not do much legislatively in his freshman Senate term, but this one is very telling about what we can expect from Obama as president.


The bill is the “Global Poverty Act” (S.2433). This is not just a compassionate bit of fluff that Obama dreamed up to help the poor of the world. This bill is directly tied to the United Nations and serves as little more than a shakedown of American taxpayers in a massive wealth redistribution scheme. In fact, if passed, the Global Poverty Act will provide the United Nations with 0.7% of the United States gross national product. Estimates are that it will add up to at least $845 billion of taxpayer money for welfare to third world countries. This is in addition to the $300 billion Americans spent for the same thing in 2006.


The situation is urgent because the Global Poverty Act already passed the House of Representatives by a unanimous voice vote on September 25, 2007. The Senate version has been passed out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee by unanimous consent and ready for a full Senate vote.


Of course, the United States has had an ongoing program of supplying foreign aid and assistance to the poor for decades. The U.S. pays most of the bills at the UN for its herd of programs. So what’s new about Obama’s bill, and why is it dangerous?

History which led to the Global Poverty Act

In 1999 and 2000, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) held numerous meetings around the world to write what became known as the Charter for Global Democracy. The document was prepared to be a blueprint for achieving global governance. In reality it was a charter for the abolition of individual freedom, national sovereignty and limited government. The Charter for Global Democracy outlined its goals in 12 detailed “principles”:


  • Principle One called for the consolidation of all international agencies under the direct authority of the UN.
  • Principle Two called for UN regulation of all transnational corporations and financial institutions, requiring an “international code of conduct” concerning the environment and labor standards.
  • Principle Three explored various schemes to create independent revenue sources for the UN. This means UN taxes and fees on all international monetary transactions, including aircraft flights in the skies and shipping fuels. It will also include mandatory licensing of what the UN refers to as the “global commons,” which is the use of air, water and natural resources. The Law of the Sea Treaty fits this category.
  • Principle Four would restructure the UN by eliminating the veto power and permanent member status on the Security Council. Such a move would almost completely eliminate U.S. influence and power in the world body. In turn, Principle Four called for the creation of an “Assembly of the People” which would be populated by hand-picked non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These are nothing more than political groups with their own agendas (the UN calls NGOs “civil society”). The UN says these NGOs will be the representatives of the “people” and the Assembly of the People will become the new power of the UN.
  • Principle Five would authorize a standing UN army.
  • Principle Six would require UN registration of all arms and the reduction of all national armies. This would be “part of a multinational global security system” under the authority of the UN.
  • Principle Seven would require individual and national compliance with all UN “human Rights” treaties and declarations.
  • Principle Eight would activate the UN Criminal Court and make it compulsory for all nations.
  • Principle Nine called for a new institution to establish economic and environmental security by ensuring “Sustainable Development.”
  • Principle Ten would establish an International Environmental Court.
  • Principle Eleven demanded an international declaration stating that climate change is an essential global security interest. It requires the creation of a “high level action team” to allocate carbon emissions based on equal per-capita rights. This is the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty in action.
  • Principle Twelve demanded the cancellation of all debt owed by the poorest nations. This included global poverty reductions and “equitable sharing” of global resources, as allocated by the UN. Here is where Obama’s Global Poverty Act comes in.


Charter for Global Democracy

Specifically, the Charter for Global Democracy was intended to give the UN domain over all of the earth’s land, air and seas. In addition, it would give the UN the power to control all natural resources, wild life, and energy sources, even radio waves. Such control would allow the UN to place taxes on everything from development; to fishing; to air travel; to shipping. Anything that could be defined as using the earth’s resources would be subject to UN use-taxes. Coincidentally, all twelve principles came directly from the UN Commission on Global Governance.


There was one major problem with the Charter for Global Democracy, at least as far as the UN was concerned. It was too honest and straightforward. Overt action displeases the high-order thinking skills of UN diplomats. The UN likes to keep things fuzzy and gray so as not to scare off the natives. That way there is less of a chance that screaming headlines could appear regarding a pending takeover by the UN. So, by the time the UN Millennium Summit rolled around in September 2000, things weren’t quite so clear.


The Summit was attended by literally every head of state and world leader, including then-president Bill Clinton. The name of the Charter had been changed to the Millennium Declaration and the language had been toned down to sound more like suggestions and ideas. Those “suggestions” were then put together in the “Millennium Declaration” in the name of all of the heads of state. No vote or debate was allowed – just acclamation by world leaders who basically said nothing – and the deed was done. The UN had its marching orders for the new millennium.

Millennium Development Goals

As a result of the UN Millennium Summit, the Charter for Global Democracy principles are now called the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and there are eight instead of twelve.


  • Goal 1: Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty.
  • Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education.
  • Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empowerment of women.
  • Goal 4: Reduce child mortality.
  • Goal 5: Improve maternal health.
  • Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
  • Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability.
  • Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development.


Yes, these are sneaky guys, well trained in the art of saying nothing. Who could oppose such noble goals? The Millennium Project, which was set up to achieve the MDGs, says on its website that it intends to “end poverty by 2015.” This is a noble goal, indeed. So what happened to the 12 Charter principles? Take a hard look – they are all still there.


Principles One, Two, and Twelve are right there in Goal 8 – to develop a global partnership for development. Today almost every world organization, such as the World Bank which controls international banking and loan policy, carries a section on their web site calling for “Millennium Development Goals.” They set policy goals for each country, and sometimes communities, to measure if nations are keeping their promise to implement the goals.


Principle Seven is clearly Goal 3. The only way to assure gender equality is to enforce compliance with UN Human Rights treaties. Principle Eight has already been achieved. Principle Nine is Goal 7. Al Gore is doing his best to enforce Principle Eleven. Global Warming, no matter how well the theory is debunked, just will not go away because it is one of the Millennium Development Goals.

Global Poverty Act Reflects UN Agenda

Can you see which principle Barack Obama’s Global Poverty Act is working toward? Of course: Principle 12 and Goal 1. Obama’s bill specifically mentions the Millennium Development Goals as its guide. The 0.7% of the Gross National Product is right out of UN documents. In order to eradicate poverty by 2015, they say, every industrial nation must pony up 0.7% of their GNP to the UN for use in eradicating poverty.


The UN is now becoming an international collection agency, pressing to collect the promises that world leaders made at the Millennium Summit. The UN wants the cash. In 2005, former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said, “Developed countries…should establish timetables to achieve the 0.7% target of gross national income for official development assistance by no later than 2015…”


At the Summit in 2000, the UN set clear goals to establish its power over sovereign nations and to enforce the greatest redistribution of wealth scheme ever perpetrated on the world. Now it has the International Criminal Court to enforce its mandates. Sustainable Development is fast becoming official policy in every corner of the nation. Today we call it “going green.” There is a full court press on to enforce global warming regulations. This is in spite of the fact that there is now much scientific evidence surfacing to debunk the theory.


Clearly, Obama’s bill has been introduced to assure the United States falls in line with the Millennium Declaration and all that it stands for. After all, the UN needs the money to pay for its new found power. Truth, science, and American taxpayer interests could be hung. Barack Obama wants to be a “global” leader.


Editor’s note: The Global Poverty Act was introduced in the 110th Congress, during the presidency of George W. Bush. While it has not yet appeared in this new 111th Congress under Obama’s first presidential term, it clearly shows his intent to harmonize the United States into United Nations policies. The danger does exist that this legislation could be re-introduced at any time. Tom DeWeese and the American Policy Center are keeping a close eye on its status. Stay tuned to Politics and Religion with Irvin Baxter as he interviews Tom on May 19 for an update to the Global Poverty Act as well as other world government and prophecy related issues.


Endtime Magazine would like to thank the American Policy Center for permission to publish this article: