Pope Francis Beliefs

Should we Agree With Pope Francis’ Beliefs?

By Irvin Baxter


Joanne from Missouri called Irvin to ask: Since Jesus prayed in Garden for all of us to be one, what are your thoughts on Pope Francis’ beliefs? Should we be one?


Answer: I think all Christians should be one as well as long as it’s on the basis of truth. If it’s not on the basis of truth we will not resemble the Church of the New Testament. The Bible prophesies that there are going to be Protestants and Catholics that will follow the Antichrist straight into an alliance. However it also prophesies good news, which is “come out of her my people.” So out of this world religion move that is bringing together the Protestants and the Catholics, but this is not a good unification. So unification is good on the basis of truth. We cannot be one with people who are not on the basis of truth.


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